Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Does this shirt make me look fat?

Well folks the time has finally come; I am officially tired of being out of shape and am serious about taking action. Those of you who know me know that I have had several failed attempts at dieting since I got married. I would get the determination to start the diet but sooner or later I would find myself driving down the road with a big gulp in one hand and a burrito in the other, hoping that nobody would find out. Man I love burritos, in fact I had one today for breakfast, but that is all going to change starting now. Well not really now, but in about a week. I am waiting on a diet plan from a friend at work.

This is the purpose of this blog. I figure that one of the main reasons I never was successful with loosing weight was that I did not really have to answer to any one. Sure I had Mary there to support me, but I knew that she would love me no matter what. It is my hope that this blog will allow people to monitor my progress and hold me accountable for my actions.

The plan is to track my weight loss progress with weekly updates and monthly pictures. (Sorry I wont be shirtless) For any of you that visit the site, feel free to leave messages, inspirational quotes, or even insults; what ever it takes to keep me motivated.

I currently weigh about 307lbs, I use the word "about" because on a good day I weigh about 306. My goal is to get somewhere close to 200lbs. I plan on accomplishing this in a year or less, so we are in for a long ride. Like I said before I will officially be starting as soon as I get my diet and work out plan. I will post a new blog on the day I start and at least one every week there after. Remember it is up to you guys to keep my honest, so check in regularly.


Cheryl said...

You can do it Jared! I know that feeling accountable to someone really helped me. When I tried to get in shape a couple of years ago, I told Jill she had to be my "warden" if you will. Just someone else who I had to check in with to say I was doing what I should. I'm proud of you! Good luck!

This is me... said...

We are very proud of you Jared We will be watching you!!!We really love you guys! if there is anything we can to to help let us know ... So from now on I will keep that in mind everytime we get together for dinner...

Lindsey said...

I'm going to leave you a nice encouraging comment because I'm sure Kolter will take care of the insult part at a later date, lol! Lovingly of course!
Anyway, I remember you used to be big runner - and it's the perfect time of year to start running - when you won't die if you walk outside. You are going to be in shape in no time! Good for you for wanting to be healthy! You will live a long life!

laura compton said...

Jared I love you fat or skinny.
You are a great person and I just want you to Love yourself.
For a health heart your waist size should be half your height..You are a I CAN ner.
Henry Ford's quote I can or I can't
either way you are right...How right do YOU want to be
Love Mom